Sunday, July 5, 2009

Photo of The Day

Family is your backbone. Unconditional love and support are necessary for human growth.  Mi familia is HUGE. My dad has 9 brothers and sisters, and my mom has about the same. I have so many cousins, and new ones popping up all the time, that sometimes I lose track of their names. I go to my aunts, and there's new additions, new faces, girlfriends, boyfriends, and they are all beautiful, and they are all my family, and I love them so much that when I think about them my throat tightens and my heart swells. They are perfect to me, and I hope I make them proud.

We don't need a reason to get together and celebrate, we celebrate each other, it just happens to include BBQ and good times. Yesterday my aunt (she is the lady in the photo above) threw me a birthday party. It was a traditional Hernandez affair, just the way I wanted it. All my family packed into my grandmas house, eating, laughing, making fun of each other, and making  new memories. You can't touch that...

The photo above is one of my favorite aunts, she is the matriarch, and she keeps us all in line.
Tia Chavela, aunt Chach, is the kind of aunt that everyone wishes for. She's warm, and giving, and supportive, and I honestly think she has special powers. I love her so much.

That day of the photo my brand new cousin was crying non-stop, they thought he was sick.
Egg cleansing is something of my gente. It's something special, and everyone that knows what's up....keep it real.

Read about the history of it here: EGG CLEANSING 

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