Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Juice Box Pinhole Camera Project.

Hope to see you there!

When I first starting thinking about making pinhole cameras with the students at San Anto, I envisioned a proper ending. I thought it would be great to display their work. I wanted them to see their photos on a wall, presented to the public, as a mark of their creative brilliance and strong intelligence. I created the workshop, and I put a lot of time and love into it. The students did the rest of the work. They created beautiful images, that contain abstract stories, and signs of their artistic abilities. I wanted them to add making their own camera to the list of their accomplishments, and to take pride in it. Who knows where that will take them.

This is the result of the first workshop I have ever done, of something I produced from a small vision. It makes me very happy, but the students deserve all the glory.

I was asked to put together an "artist statement," and this is what I wrote:

The juicebox pinhole camera is made in the spirit of DIY (Do It Yourself). Taking common, everyday materials the students we're able to make a camera by hand and produce images.
The process promotes unbounded accessibility to creative outlets, and concentrates on the idea of recycle and reuse. The workshop promotes and secures artistic awareness for the community, by the community.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! And you did an awesome job, Mari! I'm glad to say that I can add "I have made a camera out of a juice-box" to my list of accomplishments, too! And it is entirely due to your much appreciated efforts =]

