Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My first photography show.

My first photography show is in the making. I have settled on a date, time, and place. I have confirmed music and possibly a keg of good Mexican beer (keg stands!!). I have theory on space that I want to make a part of my mission. It relates to creating your own when nothing else that exists seems adequate. It relates to community and the source of inspiration, the how, when, where, and why. 

I would have never imagined months ago that I would be putting together my own show. It seemed so far off. I know thats because I was allowing my conception of shows, space, art, etc. to be tainted by what some consider to be "the art world." funny. My goal isn't necessarily to be a part of that. Maybe thats a really strong statement. For me photography is about preservation, it's from a photojournalistic/photo documentary point of view.  At this point my interest is documenting my community, because its beautiful. I don't think art is separate from community, everyone from it should be a part of the art world.  From your neighbor, to the ice cream man, to the man on the corner that washes your windows, all should be invited and welcomed.

I picked up my first test print for the series I am showing. I don't mind sharing it in advance.

I think It will do...

1 comment:

  1. kick ass print... i really like the composition of this picture in that it is almost a mirror image straight down the middle, bisecting the image you are holding, as well as you and the background - all except for the tilt of your head and the print on your shirt... very interesting.

