Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tomorrow is our gallery show.

This morning I woke up with a sense of calmness I haven't felt in weeks (or maybe I am just extremely exhausted). We haven't finished our entire instillation, but we are very close, and tonight is our deadline. For a week straight our evenings have been spent in creative unison in order to transform the gallery into what we see in our imaginations. I must admit that I was a little scared that it wouldn't work, that some where along the way, something was bound to blow, or fall, or look really bad, but my nerves have been eased, thanks to the members of Más Rudas. I have been a part of a few groups, organizations, etc. and, naturally, there was always someone to pick up after. I don't feel like that with these ladies, they're determination and creativity blows me away. I worry about how I am going to get everything done, then I start freaking out, and then I remember I have 4 friends to lean on, and they may have already got the job done just as good, if not better. Our creativity is aligned and the atmosphere we produce is better than I can articulate my intentions to be.

Sometimes I catch myself standing dead still in the middle of the space zoning out, not sure what to do next, then I catch the wave of one of the ladies, and together we make some crazy stuff happen.

This week has been a trip...
(sneak peak)

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